Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications (Sweden)
The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications (Swedish: Näringsdepartementet, can be translated to Ministry of Enterprise. The long English name is used by themselves.) is a ministry within the government of Sweden. Its areas of responsibility include business development and competition, electronic communications, energy, forestry, information technology (IT), postal communications and cashier service, primary industries, regional development, research and development (R&D), government-owned corporations, tourism and transport.
The ministry offices are located at Jakobsgatan 26 in central Stockholm.
The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications has about 360 employees, including some 15 political appointees. The ministry is headed by the Minister for Enterprise, Annie Lööf (c). The Minister for Information Technology and Energy, Anna-Karin Hatt (c), and the Minister for Infrastructure Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd (m) also belongs to the ministry.
Government agencies
The Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications is principal for the following government agencies:
- Swedish Work Environment Authority, or Arbetsmiljöverket. (Official site)
- Swedish National Institute for Working Life, or Arbetslivsinstitutet. (Official site)
- Swedish Employment Services, Arbetsmarknadsverket, Arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen, or Länsarbetsnämnderna. (Official site)
- Swedish National Rail Administration, or Banverket. (Official site)
- Swedish National Electrical Safety Board, or Elsäkerhetsverket. (Official site)
- Swedish National Rural Development Agency, or Glesbygdsverket. (Official site)
- Swedish Government Seamen's Service, or Handelsflottans kultur- och fritidsråd (HKF). (Official site)
- Swedish Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation, or Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering. (Official site)
- Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies, or Institutet för tillväxtpolitiska studier. (Official site)
- Swedish Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities, or Jämställdhetsombudsmannen (JämO). (Official site)
- Swedish Competition Authority, or Konkurrensverket. (Official site)
- Swedish National Mediation Office, or Medlingsinstitutet. (Official site)
- Swedish Patent and Registration Office, or Patent- och registreringsverket (PRV). (Official site)
- Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency, or Post- och telestyrelsen (PTS). (Official site)
- Swedish National Public Transport Agency, or Rikstrafiken. (Official site)
- Swedish National Space Board, or Rymdstyrelsen. (Official site)
- Swedish National Board of Forestry, or Skogsvårdsstyrelsen. (Official site)
- Swedish Energy Agency, or Statens energimyndighet (STEM). (Official site)
- Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis, or Statens institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). (Official site)
- Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, or Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI). (Official site)
- Swedish Geological Survey, or Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU). (Official site)
- Swedish Tourist Authority, or Turistdelegationen. (Official site)
- Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, or Verket för innovationssystem (Vinnova). (Official site)
- Swedish Business Development Agency, or Verket för näringslivsutveckling (NUTEK). (Official site)
- Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technological Development (NUTEK).
- Swedish Road Administration, or Vägverket. (Official site)
- Swedish Labour Court, or Arbetsdomstolen. (Official site)
- Swedish Patent Court, or Patentbesvärsrätten.
External links
- [1], Frequently Asked Questions (Swedish) (Swedish)
Present |
Former |
- Land Defence
- Sea Defence
- Civil Affairs
- Trade
- Communications
- Public Housekeeping
- Interior
- Housing
- Budget
- Economy